Prof. Dr. Rahayu Hartini, M.Si., M.Hum.

Prof. Dr. Rahayu Hartini, M.Si., M.Hum.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Prof. Dr. Rahayu Hartini, M.Si., M.Hum. a) Setlement of Condumer Disputes Through the  Bandung Consumer Disputes Resolution Agency (BPSK)b) The Existence of Consumer Dispute Resolution  Bodies in Resolving Consume selengkapnya

Prof. Dr. Sidik Sunaryo, M.Si., M.Hum.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Prof. Dr. Sidik Sunaryo, M.Si., M.Hum. a) Legal Settlement of Domestic Criminal Violence  From a Substantive Justice Perspectiveb) Reform of the Indonesia Criminal Procedural  Code as a Concept of Legal Pluralism selengkapnya

Prof. Dr. Fifik Wiryani, M.Si., M.Hum.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Prof. Dr. Fifik Wiryani, M.Si., M.Hum. a) Legal Consequences of Divorce in Intermarriage  on the Marital Property in the form of Land  Proprietary Rightsb) Problems Associated with Granting Land Rights  Owned selengkapnya

Prof. Dr. Tongat, M.Hum.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Prof. Dr. Tongat, M.Hum. a) Legal Protection for Victims of Artificial  Intelligence-based Pornography in the Form of  Deepfakes According to Indonesian Lawb) Preventive Measures As Strategic Attempts to Cope with selengkapnya

Assc. Prof. Mokh Najih, M.Hum., Ph.D.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Assc. Prof. Mokh Najih, M.Hum., Ph.D. a) Case Management for Equitable and Excellent  Hospital Services b) Constitutional Implications of Medical Action  Refusal by Pediatric Patient’s Parentsc)&nb selengkapnya

Assc. Prof. Dr. Herwastoeti, M.Si.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Assc. Prof. Dr. Herwastoeti, M.Si. a) Resistance to The Cancellation of Auction  Execution on the Collateral Right b) Harmonization of Legal Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019 by The Constitutional Court  Concerning selengkapnya

Assc. Prof. Dr. Cekli Setya Pratiwi, LL.M., M.CL., Ph.D.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Assc. Prof. Dr. Cekli Setya Pratiwi, LL.M., M.CL., Ph.D. a) Reform of the Indonesia Criminal Procedural  Code as a Concept of Legal Pluralism in the  Framework of Legal Universalismb) Blasphemy Law as a Structural selengkapnya

Dr. Surya Anoraga, M.H.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Dr. Surya Anoraga, M.H. a) The Urgency of Forming Laws and Regulations  on Citizen Lawsuits in Indonesiab) Tax Law Enforcement During Covid-19 for  Indonesia's Economic Resiliencec) The Concept of Legal Certainty selengkapnya

Dr. Catur Wido Haruni, M.Si., M.Hum.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Dr. Catur Wido Haruni, M.Si., M.Hum. a) The Urgency of Forming Laws and Regulations  on Citizen Lawsuits in Indonesiab) Strengthening the Open Proportional Election  System after the Constitutional Court Deci selengkapnya

Tinuk Dwi Cahyani, M.Hum., Ph.D.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Tinuk Dwi Cahyani, M.Hum., Ph.D. a) Facilitating the article of association and bylaws preparation of the As-Sakinah Cooperative,  Regional Leaders of 'Aisyiyah Malang Cityb) Conversion training of conventional to shar selengkapnya