Prof. Dr. Rahayu Hartini, M.Si., M.Hum.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Prof. Dr. Rahayu Hartini, M.Si., M.Hum.

a) Setlement of Condumer Disputes Through the  Bandung Consumer Disputes Resolution Agency (BPSK)
b) The Existence of Consumer Dispute Resolution  Bodies in Resolving Consumer Dispute Cases in  Indonesia
c) Peran KPPU Dalam Penyelesaian Perkara Jual  Rugi (Predator Pricing) Semen Di Indonesia
d) Pemberantasan Dan Pencegahan Oligopoli dan  Persekongkolan Oleh KPPU (Studi Kasus  PT.Telekomumikasi Indonesia)
e) Implementation of Business Competition  Compliance Program to Prevent Unfair Business Competition Practices Against Business  Enterprises
f) Executorial principles in international  arbitration awards in the Indonesian legal  system
g) Implementasi Perlindungan Hukum bagi Pasien  Selaku Konsumen Kesehatan terhadap Tindak  Malapraktik oleh Tenaga Medis
h) Facilitating the article of association and bylaws preparation of the As-Sakinah Cooperative,  Regional Leaders of 'Aisyiyah Malang City
i) Kewenangan Pengadilan Niaga Dalam  Penyelesaian Pailit Yang Berklausula Arbitrase  (Studi Kasus Putusan Kepailitan)
j) Implementation of bankruptcy instruments as a final means of overcoming the impact of the  Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia
k) The ambiguity of dismissal of notary over  bankruptcy in Indonesia
l) Conversion training of conventional to sharia cooperatives for regional leaders of 'Aisyiyah,  Malang City
m) The Role of Legal Sociology in Terms of Covid 19: Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in  Indonesia
n) Curator's legal efforts in executing state-owned  enterprise assets in bankruptcy
o) Protection of Foreign Investors in Foreign Investment Activities and its Implications to the  Country
p) Legal Implications of Bankruptcy on Bank related Problems and Customer's Legal  Protection
