Prof. Dr. Fifik Wiryani, M.Si., M.Hum.

Berikut Artikel Penelitian Prof. Dr. Fifik Wiryani, M.Si., M.Hum.

a) Legal Consequences of Divorce in Intermarriage  on the Marital Property in the form of Land  Proprietary Rights
b) Problems Associated with Granting Land Rights  Owned by Local Government for Community  Business Utilization
c) Case Management for Equitable and Excellent  Hospital Services 
e) Chemical Castration for Pedophile Perpetrators Expectation and Implementation Reviewed  from Medical-Juridical Aspects
f) Indigenous People’s Land Rights in Post Soeharto Indonesia The Continuing Problem of  Land Grabbing
g) Tanggung Jawab Hukum Rumah Sakit Dalam  Pelayanan Kesehatan
h) Disclosure Of Final Stadium Patients' Diagnosis  Review From Law And Bioethics In Indonesia
i) The Yuridic Problems of Regulate People’s Land Taking For The Construction On The Public Utility
j) Pengawasan Terhadap Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian Menjadi Kafe Studi Kabupaten Malang
k) Transgender viewed from the perspective of  positive law, health, and cultures in Indonesia
l) Disclosure of Medical Secrets in Handling  Corona Virus Disease (COVID)-19 Cases
m) The Criticism of Land Procurement Law to  Improve Landowners Welfare in Indonesia
n) Pelaksanaan Pendaftaran Peralihan Hak atas  Tanah Bekas Adat yang Belum Bersertifikat  (Studi di Desa Ambit Kecamatan Waled  Kabupaten Cirebon)
o) Person-Centered Maternity Care sebagai  Pelayanan yang Bermutu dalam Perspektif  Hukum Kesehatan
p) Analisis Pelaksanaan Putusan Peradilan Agama  terhadap Nafkah Perceraian dalam Perspektif  Hukum Nasional dan Hukum Islam Bagi PNS
q) Kesadaran Hukum Sertifikasi Halal Pelaku  Usaha-Usaha Rumah Makan di Kota Malang
r) Perspectives on Integrating Anti-Corruption Curriculum in Indonesian Secondary School  Education
